Frequently Asked Questions About Acupuncture Therapy
When it comes to managing pain, everyone has their preferred method. But what if I told you that you didn’t have to rely on painkillers anymore to get relief?
When it comes to managing pain, everyone has their preferred method. But what if I told you that you didn’t have to rely on painkillers anymore to get relief?
Cannabidiol or more popularly known as CBD is a natural therapy that is used to treat a number of conditions. It is one of the many chemical compounds present in...
Do you know that the human body houses 206 bones? And do you know that if one of those bones isn’t working as it should you’d be in great pain? When the problem...
PRP therapy is making headlines and a lot of people are wondering if it works. Professional athletes swear by it and say it helps them recover quickly following an injury.
Are you in pain because of your osteoarthritis? Do you suffer from bursitis, patellar tendonitis, plantar fasciitis or ankle sprains? If you are suffering from deep...
The problem with spinal fractures is that almost always it is followed by acute back pain. Unfortunately, this pain will progress to chronic pain. In addition, vertebral fractures can...
Acupuncture is an element of traditional Chinese medicine that involves inserting needles and applying heat and electrical stimulation at precise points in the body.
Desk jobs can have negative consequences on your health. Continuous sitting and the lack of movement that comes along with it increases your risk of musculoskeletal...
Americans are addicted to their cell phones and are even starting to suffer injuries from using them too much. Specifically, doctors are starting to see patients suffering from something called “text neck syndrome.”
180 John F Kennedy Dr
Suite 100
Atlantis, FL 33462
10275 Hagen Ranch Road
Suite 200
Boynton Beach, FL 33437
1221 S. State Road 7
Suite 200
Wellington, FL 33414
4705 N Federal Hwy
Boca Raton, FL 33431
1905 Clint Moore Rd #214
Boca Raton, FL 33496